This post is old enough, we have talked about it on our page on facebook the last year..
But since we recently launched our blog, we wanted to re-write it here once again for our visitors to make everyone knowledgeable about it and to protect themselves from being hacked.
Let’s first get to know basic stuff, your facebook account can never get hacked if you know how to protect it.
Facebook Account Hacking
Many people have the fear of getting their Facebook account hacked.. Well, there are only three ways that I know of.
Let’s first agree that NO ONE could hack any facebook account by executing a javascript in their browser, okay?
The only ways to hack an account on Facebook
- Hack their computer and take their login data using any sort of trojan or keylogger
- Trick the victim into inserting his/her login credentials (email and password) in a FAKE page.
** a fake page is a page similar to facebook login screen, but when you enter your data, it gets sent to the hacker not to facebook servers.. - Using app tokens [Facebook apps] .. so watch out for apps you use, take care of the permissions you give to any app.
How to protect myself from being hacked?
- Never download any files from untrusted sources
- Never share your password with anyone, even your closest friends
- NEVER EVER write your facebook login info on ANY website except for “”
- Do not use strange facebook apps like “who visited your profile” or whatever .. all of them are fake..
- Never try to follow any video saying that you could hack any facebook account through a javascript in the browser’s console .. you will end up getting spam in your account anyway
- Use the security measures provided by facebook (i.e. login approvals)
Hacking Facebook Pages
Facebook pages can never be hacked except when a page admin with “Admin” role gets hacked..
Simply, the hacker adds himself as an admin in the page, and then remove all admins, including the owner .. and the page is gone..
Another method that has appeared recently..
A strange notification from an account called “Verified Page” asking you to WORK on your page as a manager.
It’s clear .. you accept the request .. the hacker becomes an admin .. he kicks you off .. page hacked.
You only get tricked by “Verified Page” .. the idea is all about tricking you into thinking that it’s a message from facebook telling you that your page is getting verified (the blue circle with a white tick inside – the “verified page” symbol) or by any other means of social engineering..
One last thing .. stay secure .. read this article to increase your account’s security.
Maximizing Facebook Security